Attention to All Our Clients!
Beginning Monday April 24th, 2023,
We will no longer allow retractable leashes to be used while in the clinic.
This new policy is being put in place to help keep all our clients and their pets safe while being inside the building.
Retractable leashes are unreliable and can break quickly, allowing dogs to interact with each other – This is a BIG safety concern to us.
If you do not have another option for a leash at home, Don’t Worry! Our front staff is equipped and ready with a normal slip leash.
When you show for your appointment with us, Our receptionist will hand you a slip leash for your dog
and hold on to your retractable until it is time for you and your pet to leave the office.
If your dog wears a harness and uses a retractable – Our slip leashes fit very well onto the loops of harnesses as well!!
Thank you from all of us here at
New Market Veterinary Clinic